Monday, September 9, 2013


Mon-Day 1

AP Chem 4/5 - finished our discussion of solubility rules via an animation of an ionic substance dissolving, and noting the competition between ionic bonding in the salt lattice and ion-dipole attractions between the ions and surrounding water/solvent molecules.
We discussed acid naming, the six strong acids, and what the terms strong acid and weak acid mean in terms of percent ionization in aqueous solution at equilibrium.
We then began equation writing for the first (double replacement with precipitation) of about ten difference chemical reaction types.
Check Edline for tutorials, files, etc.
Tomorrow, we will go over classification of matter, continue with equation writing, and various techniques for separating types of matter based on physical property differences.

AP 8 - Continued with equation writing for our first reaction type: double replacement.
Went over non-metals/standard charges of their anions, weak acids vs. strong acids.

APB - Began kinematics with definitions, common misconceptions between v and a, distance vs displacement. Did basic velocity , distance, displacement problems.
Tomorrow begin by deriving two main kinematics equations that rely on the constant acceleration assumption.

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