Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Tues-Day 2

AP Chem - be sure to preview the 1999 AP Chem exam part I so that we can immediately go over the explanation and test-strategy for the questions that you find most difficult. Whatever questions we do not cover in class will be your written explanation hw that night; you will also be given a part II to preview for the next day.

Bio - HW questions that we have not covered yet, so you do not have to include these in your submitted hw:
#5, I did not give explicity example of how one gene can influence more than one cell or trait, so you can omit that part of the question.
#13. I don't recall using the terms sibling and progeny, so here are the definitions:
sibling: siblings are the "brothers and sisters" i.e. offspring of a given set of parents; your brothers and sisters are your siblings.
Progeny are the offspring of parents.
# 15, for the Law of Independent Assortment, just refer to the explanation that I handed out in class, no detailed answer required.
#16. Do this question, but, to clarify: there are TWO specific types of intermediate inheritance: COdominance (BOTH traits show up SEPARATELY in the offspring) and INCOMPLETE dominance (the two traits are "blended" into a single intermediate phenotype).
 #19. In the notes on the Law of Independent assortment notes, toward the end, there is an explanation of gene linkage, but you do not have to hand in this question, though you should know what gene linkage is.
also omit #'s 29,33, and 34.

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