Friday, April 20, 2012


Fri-Day 2

AP Chem - check Edline for a list of question types on Monday's exam; also, two part II exams will be posted - one with answers, for the other, I will even provide the answer to the Ksp question, so you can just complete the rest by Tuesday.

Continued with our Electrochem unit, discussing standard cell potentials, standard vs. non-standard conditions, and how non-standard conditions can change the cell potentials.
We saw how to use a table of standard cell reduction potentials to get the E-standard potential of a net reaction, warning NEVER to multiply ANY standard reduction potential because a potential is in Joules PER Coulomb, a ratio that NEVER changes with a change in the moles of reaction.
We looked at the relationship between delta G o , E o , and K.

Bio - we finished our discussion of the causes of trisomy and polyploidy, that is, nondisjunction of homologous chromosomes during meiosis I , or nondisjunction of single chromatid chromosomes during meiosis II.
We then looked at the genetic causes of four genetic diseases/failures to maintain homeostasis:
Tay-Sachs, PKU, Huntington's, and Sickle-Cell Trait.

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