Monday, March 19, 2012


Mon-Day 1

AP Chem - We looked at the distinguishing features of each of the four possible titration curves.
We saw how to set up a titration, discussed "standardization" of a titrant, and then did each of the major steps of a titration of a weak acid by a strong base. We noted the part of the titration curve formed at each step of our calculation.
Note: for each step, we went back to the ORIGINAL solution, not to the previous step; this prevents unnecessary confusion in our organizers, which start with NOTHING on the product side.

Bio : we discussed the events of embyronic development that occur after pregnancy is established. We noted the structure and function of the placenta, which stems from some embryonic cells, and is the organ through which ALL nutrients (BUT NO BLOOD!!) diffuses to the baby from the mother, and through which all wastes diffuse from the baby to the mother. We also discussed the stages of the embryo from blastula to gastrula, and noted what each of the three germ cell layers of the gastrual turn into in a mature individual.

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