Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Tues-Day 2

AP Chem - the kinetic explanation of salt solubility equilibrium (from today's class) will NOT be on tomorrow's test, but that will be on subsequent tests.
Later, check for an update on question types on Wednesday's exam.
Question types on Equilibrium I exam:
- from a given chemical equation or process, write the Kp or Kc expression
- given sufficient information, find a Kp value from a Kc value or vice versa
- from a given set of reactions and their respective K values, manipulate the reactions to add to a requested net reaction, and then determine the K value of the net reaction.
- given a K value and initial conditions of a reaction, determine Q and then show the shift in the reaction as equilibrium is approached, and justify the answer qualitatively and quantitatively.
- given a balanced equation, a K value, initial quantities of reactants and/or products, determine the equilibrium quantities of reactants and products.
you WILL be able to "solve for x" with your TI calculators, no problem.
-given a balanced equation, initial quantities of reactants and/or products, and the equilibrium quantity of one reactant or product, determine the K value for the reaction (at that temperature).
- know how to PREDICT a shift in an equilibrium system that is subject to a kinetic stress, according to the EXPLICIT, THREE-STEP Le Chatelier Rule.
- know how to EXPLAIN, using kinetics (as we did in the notes, using made up but qualitatively accurate effective collisions per second values), the shift in an equilibrium system that is subject to a kinetic stress
- predict the change in an equilibrium constant, K, with changing temperature for a given reaction or process (of course, I have to give you information on determining the exothermic and endothermic directions).

Bio - objective HW is due on Wednesday, 2/15.
We have not yet done the following objectives:
17,18,20 (though you probably know what cancer is from previous units), 21, and 22,
so do not do them for hw - we will cover them in class.
Also, on question 7, the term "lymphocytes" refers to B and T cells that are in the lymphatic system.
On question 4, "natural killer cells" are actually "killer T cells".

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