Thursday, January 12, 2012


Thurs-Day 2

AP Chem - TOMORROW, after school in Room 308, we will have the initial Chemistry Olympiad informational meeting and review session. We will also go over the 2011 Chemistry Olympiad exam. Please spread the word to all interested peers.

we started the Kinetics by explaining the causes of chemical reactions - proper orientation of the colliding molecules (for bonds that must be broken to form the designated products) and sufficient kinetic energy of collision for bond breakage ; both of these factors contribute to an "effective collision".
We also discussed the influence of collision frequency on reaction rate.
The reaction rate itself is strictly the number of effective collisions per second.
We then looked at how the covalent or ionic "nature" of the reactants determines the activation energy required for effective collisions, which thus determines the reaction rate.
We looked at the FOUR possible factors that can be altered to influence the effective collision rate i.e. the rate of a reaction:
concentration, temperature, solid or liquid surface area, and (tomorrow) catalyst addition.

Bio- we did our third example of hormonal regulation - the thermoregulation of body temperature via the interaction of the hypothalamus, the pituitary, and the thyroid. We showed the negative feedback nature of this mechanism that maintains relatively constant body temperature even in temporarily cold surroundings.

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