Friday, January 6, 2012
Fri-Day 2
AP Chem - test info:
We didn't get to Raoult's Law calculations, so they will not be on this test, but will be on an upcoming quiz. Today we did a few colligative property formula permutations, rearranging the variables to make the formula more practical than what is seen in the reference tables. We explained the van 't Hoff factor, and the reason that sufficiently concentrated solutions cause deviations from the theoretical value of "i" . Bio - we began the Regulation via the Endocrine system part of the unit. We got an overview of the major glands of the endocrine system, defined the term "endocrine", and introduced the interaction of hormones and target cells, which ultimately causes regulation i.e. maintenance of homeostasis.
Our Solids/Liquids/Gases/Solutions/Metal-Ligand/Colligative Properties is tomorrow- Monday.
Here are a list of question types on this exam:
Colligative Properties:
- questions in which the molar mass of an unknown is found, the actual van t'Hoff factor is measured (versus the theoretical "i").
-any other quantitative permutation of any of the colligative properties formulas.
Solids, Liquids, Solutions:
- questions on the various types of solids, their type(s) of either IMFA's or bonds, and an explanation of how the bonding or IMFA causes certain physical properties i.e. melting/freezing point, relative volatility, vapor pressure at a given temperature, electrical conductivity, solubility/miscibility of substances, etc.
Liquids: cause of vapor pressure, and explanation of the relative vapor pressures of a set of substances
Phase Diagram construction and analysis i.e. inference and explanation of the densest phase of a substance, description of phase changes given a change in temperature and/or pressure.
Metal- ligand complex formula writing and naming