Monday, December 19, 2011


Mon-Day 2

AP Chem - we finished the remaining 5 and 6 electron domain molecule and ion types complete with orbital hybridizations, electronic and molecular geometries, as well as molecular polarities (ions CANNOT be polar, they are just a single "ball" of charge).
We will finish up some loose ends, and some common AP applications for this unit.
Then, we will focus on topics to be covered over the break.

Bio - hw is due tomorrow BUT of course we have not yet covered the entire unit.
Thus, omit the following hw questions: 2,3,7,8, and 12. We will, of course, cover those questions, along with review over the next two days.
Today, we discussed cartilage and its functions; we then looked at the three different types of muscle tissue, its appearance (striated/striped vs. smooth), and its cause of action (voluntary vs. involuntary).

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