Friday, September 23, 2011


Fri-Day 2

AP Chem - we formally introduced stoichiometry, examining the meaning of balanced equations, and showing how to use the ratios of moles in these equations.
We also noted that the coefficients in balanced equations NEVER indicate mass ratios, only mole, molecule, or formula unit ratios!
We then did a problem in which we determined the quantities of reactants and products consumed and formed, respectively, in terms of moles and then mass.
We discussed the concept of "limiting reactant/reagent", and stressed the crucial importance of using a BALANCED equation in order to determine the limiting and excess reactants.
The limiting reactant limits the quantity of product formed.
We also introduced the computation of "percent yield" of products, and showed how the products shown in a given reaction are not always the exclusive products formed (due to many "side reactions").

Bio -  we looked at the major different types of proteins found in organisms. Each protein's function is based on its shape i.e. what the molecule looks like CAUSES its specific function in the same way that a spoon's shape causes its function or a knife's (sharp) shape causes its function.
We discussed enzymes (protein catalysts), cell receptor proteins, recognition and adhesion proteins, antibodies (for immune function), transport proteins such as hemoglobin, pigment containing proteins such as chlorophyll, etc.
We then looked at nucleic acids, which are made up of nucleotides (building blocks on DNA or RNA).
Nucleotides are made of a phosphate group, a five-member ring sugar (ribose or deoxyribose), and a nitrogenous base (A,T, C, or G).

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