Friday, September 9, 2011


Fri-Day 2

AP Chem - we continued our discussion of the Bunsen burner, writing the three possible balanced reactions involved i.e. complete combustion or incomplete combustion of methane, and the decomposition of methane.
We then looked at proper lab safety and cleanup of acid or base spills by treatment with a weak basic salt (sodium hydrogen carbonate, baking soda) or a weak acid (ethanoic acid, vinegar), respectively.

On Monday, we have a 60 minute exam on the summer assignment, and the material from this week (see above, and yesterday). I posted a practice test and answer key on Edline. Be sure that your answers are detailed and sufficient on Monday's exam (see my answer key to the practice exam for examples of sufficiently detailed answers).
Correct spelling of all substances is mandatory! For example, many summer assignments handed in contained the mispelled FLOURINE! There is no such thing as FLOUR-anything in chemistry. The most active halogen is FLU-orine as in "fluorine has the FLU!"
Do not make such careless errors on Monday's exam, or you will receive point reductions.

Bio -  we finished up the life processes, and then looked at a practice quiz on that topic. Finish that and then check your answers with the key provided. Let me know if you have any questions/problems with the quiz.
We received the unit homework objectives, which are due by next Thursday, two class days before the unit test.
In 7/8, we talked a bit about the scientific method and then we started a graphing exercise,
in 11, we got into applying the scientific method, discussing various important terms in this method.

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