Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Tues-Day 1

Physics- finished up the January 2007 Regents exam; answers to that and some of the electricity and mag packet will be posted on Blackboard.

Two more days -

Wednesday, we'll have our last in-class exam - a multiple choice test (30-35 questions) compiled from past Regents exams.
Thursday, we will go over that exam (no makeups) and discuss our one week final Regents prep plan.

Physics Regents Review sessions:
Friday: 11AM - 2PM

Monday (06/13) : 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM
Tuesday (06/14) : 2PM - 5PM (pizza)
Wednesday (06/15) : 10AM - 11:30 AM (bagels, coffee, OJ)

Wednesday at noon, we head over to the FIELD HOUSE for the Physics Regents to get our 100 (or thereabouts)!

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