Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Wednes-Day 1

Physics - Introduced the new unit on Magnetism, the other part of the "electromagnetic force"; magnetic forces are due to MOVING/SPINNING electrons/charges, whereas electric forces are due to STATIC/STATIONARY electrons/charges.
We saw how to draw the magnetic force field line around a bar magnet, using the mnemonic ANTS - Away from the North, and Towards the South!

We saw that magnetic force fields are caused by the unpaired electrons in atoms of a magnet, or by the moving electrons/current in a wire.

We finished up questions on the parallel circuits lab, and handed that in.

AP Chem - we applied Le Chatelier and explained via kinetics, solubility equilibria in which an undissolved salt is in equilibrium with its aqueous ions.
We showed that, using the equilibrium constant, Kc, we could predict the relative increase or decrease in ion concentrations EVEN IF we added a common ion to the solution.
We discussed how to predict an increase or decrease in solubility of a salt depending on whether it dissolves endothermically or exothermically.

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