Monday, February 28, 2011


Mon-Day 2

Physics - we reviewed the various rules for determining the magnetic force field lines that show the direction of force on a NEGATIVE charge/electron or the direction of force on a compass needle (where its north pole would point).
We then began some of the packet problems.

AP Chem- UNIT EXAM ON EQUILIBRIUM is on WEDNESDAY. STUDY EVERY PAGE OF NOTES. DO EVERY PRACTICE PROBLEM. REVIEW ALL TUTORIALS. If you do not do well on this exam, you will likely do worse on the upcoming, more challenging equilibrium unit exams.

Today, we continued some pH estimation problems, and saw that for STRONG ACIDS, the concentration given for the strong acid is EQUAL to the hydronium ion concentration at equilibrium because the strong acid is 100% ionized.
We discussed the TWO factors that determine acid strength:
1. The polarity of the H-X bond: the more polar, the more that the H is like H+, the stronger the acid.
2. The strength of the H-X bond: the stronger the bond, the more energy required to break the H+ ion from the shared electrons in the bond, the WEAKER the acid (HF is a good example of such an acid).
We discussed how, in oxoacids, the more electron-attracting/withdrawing O atoms that are attached to the central atom, the more POLAR the O-H bond is, thus the stronger the oxoacid.

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