Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Wednes-Day 2

Physics - for HW, do Electrostatics A, questions 4 and 5. These explanations are similar to the ones that we did in class today so you should be able to figure them out; if not, there is extra help tomorrow morning before class.
We learned the MAJOR difference between a description and an explanation. The burden of proof in giving an explanation is much greater than that for a description because an explanation entails how and why something occurs; usually, there is a logical sequence of cause and effect events within an explanation. Explanations require precision/detail. To develop a proper explanation, always write the word "why?" or "how?" at the end of each sentence that you write, and then ANSWER that question, with a "because" sentence until you get to a statement of fact that cannot be further explained.

We did the first 3 questions in Electrostatics A, drawing and explaining (using our labeled drawings) how charges move when a charged object is near another object.

AP Chem - took our Bonding/Molecular Geometry unit exam.

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