Monday, December 20, 2010


Mon-Day 2

Physics - started our new unit on Electrostatics.
Using an electroscope, we saw that objects could be charged via friction, and that charge (electrons) could be transferred via conduction. We also saw that we could move electrons via attraction to a positively charged object, or repulsion from a negatively charged object, even without touching the two objects i.e. via induction.

AP Chem - discussed two unfortunate subtopics in chem; learning this information can really interfere with or distort your main knowledge of bonding, so do not give this information any weight, other than knowing the trivia that it is.
We discussed "coordinate covalent" bonds, which are just covalent bonds.
We then discussed the unnecessarily confusing "ionic character" of covalent bonds, and "covalent character" of ionic bonds. Just keep it simple and generalize that ONLY non-metal atoms form covalent bonds to each other, and ONLY cations (metals or polyatomics) and anions (nonmetals or polyatomics) can have ionic bonding. Even when this is not true (EXTREMELY RARELY!), the exception will be given in the question!
We went on to our new unit, and discussed the ion to molecule attractions involved in solution formation, and the conditions required for molecules to dissolve an ionic substance.
We also reinforced the various types of IMFA's.

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