Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Wednes-Day 2

We learned the universal law of gravitation with which we can measure the force of attraction of one object on another.
There are ONLY TWO factors that determine this ATTRACTIVE force:
1. the product of the MASSES of the two objects
2. the DISTANCE between their respective centers.

The greater the PRODUCT of the two masses, the greater the attractive gravitational force.
The greater the DISTANCE between the two masses, the LESSER the gravitational attractive force (by an INVERSE SQUARE proportion).

Tomorrow, we have the multiple choice part of the Dynamics/Forces unit exam.
There are NO QUESTIONS on Springs or Spring Constants (so ignore that part of the packet), and there is NO memorization of Dimensional Analysis conversion factors required (so ignore that page in the packet).
You should know, by now, that a Newton is a kilogram x a meter per squared second (that comes from Fnet = mass x acceleration).
Check Blackboard for all packet answers!
Tomorrow, bring in the HW questions that were due today so that I may give you credit for that work.

THE QUARTERLY exam will be given on Tuesday and Wednesday of NEXT WEEK. It will cover ALL FOUR UNIT PACKETS. The test will DEFINITELY COUNT towards your quarter grade AND, IF HIGHER, will ALSO replace your lowest test grade.
I will hand out the quarterly review packets/practice tests tomorrow.

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