Monday, November 15, 2010


Mon-Day 1

Physics - we took an extreme case of acceleration, free fall, and calculated the apparent weight/normal force experience by a person - of course, the apparent weight was zero Newtons i.e. the person/being experiences weightlessness in a freely falling elevator.
We then discussed forces in EQUILIBRIUM, that is , their net force is zero; all of the forces balance each other overall. To find an equilibrant force, just find the resultant of the given set of forces, and draw/calculate an equal and opposite force to the resultant.

We discussed the properties of MOMENTUM (mass x velocity) and IMPULSE; these terms stem from a variation/derivation of Newton's 2nd Law.
We then did several problems applying these concepts and laws.
We began our Hooke's Law lab that shows the relationship between the force/weight applied to the spring and the distance that the spring stretches.

AP Chem - The first unit exam of the second quarter, the Quantum Atom test, will be given on Thursday. I will give a one hour timed practice test after school tomorrow so that you can gauge your level of preparation. Of course, the practice test does not cover all question types, but it will give you an idea of how you will do under the time pressure.
We wrapped up electron configurations of cations and anions. We also discussed "isoelectronic" species, i.e. species that have the same number of electrons.
We will explain all periodic trends, properties, and (OF COURSE) anomalies, starting tomorrow.

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