Friday, June 18, 2010


Regents Grading: The Results are in and the winners are...

Very good job you all! We had TWO perfect scores, which were very difficult to get - so many students got just ONE wrong! Excellent test-taking skills were displayed all over those tests: keywords underlined, answers predicted, drawings made- just a great performance.
Overall, this was by far the easiest Regents ever written with the most generous curve/scale ever given.

From our passive transport/diffusion lab, a few ALMOST perfect score people wrote that glucose was actively transported, though there was no ATP in that lab whatsoever, or they wrote that the glucose diffused via osmosis- osmosis is the diffusion of water ONLY, and no other substance in the universe can be used with that word. Every almost perfect score resulted from a mis-read question in which the key words were not underlined. Please learn from that annoying lesson.

Here's how we did:

Parts A/B1: 38.9 out of 43 so, 90.3 % of the multiple choice questions were answered correctly.

Part B2: 11.2 out of 12

Part C: 15.9 out of 17

Part D: 11.9 out of 13

I saw very well written B2, C, and, D answers - complete, clear, specific answers - just look at your written response results! Thank you guys for staying for 2.5 to 3 hours and checking your work and enhancing your answers - that paid dividends!

Overall class average: 92% (sorry, not enough of the students were on board with the test skills to beat last year's 95% - and last year's group had a harder test).

The rest of your grades will be entered by next Wednesday.
Have a great summer!
-Mr. Cicale

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