Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Wednes-Day 1
Bio - we finished our genetics unit by looking at: recombinant DNA/gene splicing in which alleles from one organism can be spliced with bacterial DNA and expressed as proteins made INSIDE the bacteria;
cloning, in which a nucleus from the body cell of one member of a species is placed inside a DE-NUCLEATED (no nucleus, it is removed) ovum/egg from another (usually) member of the same species. Once the new nucleus gets inside the formerly denucleated egg, there is the correct quantity of chromosomes/DNA to begin cleavage like a normal zygote; the embryo is then implanted in a surrogate mother's uterus and develops into a clone, genetically (and physically, mostly) identical to the member that donated its NUCLEUS. The clone is NOT genetically identical to the denucleated EGG donor.
Gel electrophoresis is a DNA fragment and/or protein fragment separation technique.
The video link is on Blackboard.
AP Chem - we reviewed enthalpy and explained entropy in finishing up our Thermodynamics unit.