Friday, April 23, 2010


Fri-Day 1

Bio - began our new unit on Evolution/Change ; we discussed "evolution/change", the FACT that has been observed over time AND ALSO "Evolution", the SCIENTIFIC THEORY that explains the change in species numbers and characteristics over time, how and why species change over time, and also accounts for the similarities and differences among species.
We looked at the five main lines of evidence that support the Modern Synthetic Theory of Evolution:
1. the Geologic/fossil record
2. comparitive anatomy
3. comparitive embryology
4. comparitive cytology/cell structure
5. biochemical evidence (DNA, protein comparisons)

AP Chem - our thermodynamics/Ksp exam is now RESCHEDULED to Wednesday, April 28.

VERY IMPORTANT!!! I made a MAJOR error in class today on the first question that we discussed, #3c. Recall that I said that something seemed strange; 298K seemed redundant and incorrect.
The error was the one that I forewarned us about!
You CANNOT use the dG = dGo + RTlnK equation to determine the T at which a process becomes spontaneous!!!
Reason: there are ALWAYS two unknowns in that equation because dGo IS NOT CONSTANT when T changes!!! As we did previously, to find the temperature at which a process just becomes spontaneous i.e. is at equilibrium under STANDARD , 1 atm, conditions, just set dGo = 0, therefore dHo= TdSo
and T = dHo/dSo
When you do this for question 3c, you get the correct and logical answer.
The corrected answer will be posted in the notes on Blackboard.
More files and practice answers will be posted this weekend.

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