Monday, March 22, 2010


Mon-Day 2

Bio - we reviewed the first division in meiosis (meiosis I) and saw that the number of chromosomes was HALVED such that each SECONDARY sex cell has ONE OF EACH chromosome (for a total of 23 chromosomes, in humans), i.e. the HAPLOID/MONOPLOID number of chromosomes; at this point the chromosomes are DOUBLE-chromatid chromosomes so there is yet another round of meiosis (meiosis II), the result of which is the production of gametes, each with the same haploid/monoploid number of single-chromatid chromosomes.
We saw that the division of cytoplasm is EQUAL in making 4 sperm cell gametes but UNEQUAL in making an OVUM/egg cell gamete and three polar bodies.

AP Chem - we discussed and drew the various types of Lewis acid base reactions and added to our descriptive chem base. We also showed the periodic trends of oxides i.e. metal oxides form hydroxide bases in water and nonmetal oxides for acids in water.
We then did more buffer problems, first by deriving the Henderson-Hasselbalch equation and showing the STRICT conditions under which you can use this simple equation using the INITIAL conjugate acid and base concentrations.

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