Monday, March 8, 2010


Mon-Day 2

Bio - The nervous system unit hw objectives are due tomorrow, Tuesday; our unit exam is on Thursday.
You do not have to do unit objectives 18 through 23 ( BUT you must do #24 ) (we will cover 18-23 on Tuesday and Wednesday in class, as usual).
There was a typographical error on #10 that has been corrected (see Blackboard). Some students at extra help had questions about #10- to write the correct answer, you should draw/describe what happens at individual RECEPTOR neurons as a given stimulus/change in the environment (molecule or photon) BINDS to complementary shaped proteins on the DENDRITES - then describe the typical nerve impulse that is generated and travels from neuron to neuron.

Today, we discussed the various classifications of the nervous system by LOCATION and by TYPE OF RESPONSE. We discussed the central vs. peripheral, (and for the peripheral) the somatic (effectors are the skeletal muscles) vs. the autonomic (the effectors are glands or smooth and cardiac muscle), and (for the autonomic system) the sympathetic vs. the parasympathetic nervous systems.

We also listed 4 disorders of the nervous system: cerebral palsy, stroke, polio, and meningitis.

AP Chem - we did some pH calculations for strong acids and strong (solid mono and di-hydroxide) bases.
We also qualitatively and quantitatively discussed Bronsted-Lowry conjugate acids and bases and predicted the relative favored direction of a given reaction as equilibrium is approached. From this we could also qualitatively estimate K for the reaction as greater than or less than 1.0  .

We then began quantitative weak acid equilibrium calculations; in these problems, you MUST know when and why you can make simplifying assumptions in your equilibrium constant expression with respect to the concentration of ions formed via ionization RELATIVE to the INITIAL concentration of acid, HA. Generally, if the Ka is about 1000 times LESS than the INITIAL acid concentration (before ionization is considered), then it is safe to neglect the SUBTRACTED concentration of ionized acid in the DENOMINATOR of the K expression. You can always check that the % ionization is less than 5%; if that is the case, your assumption is/was allowed.
Check the Blackboard tutorial on this topic!

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