Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Tue-Day 1

Bio - we reviewed and completed the non-specific/general forms of immune protection that some of your body organs/tissues afford you against ANY pathogen or toxin. We then began to discuss some of the cells in your circulatory and lymphatic system that can design SPECIFIC proteins/antibodies or tailor-make SPECIFIC cells that will attack and bind ONLY a SPECIFIC attacking pathogen or toxic substance.
The B-lymphocytes have the ability to synthesize COMPLEMENTARY-shaped antibody proteins to the ANTIGEN/foreign proteins on an invading pathogen virus or bacteria. The millions of antibody molecules can be quickly circulated in your blood to bind up/mark for death, the pathogens that have complementary-shaped antigen proteins on their surface. We will discuss T-cells next time.
We further discussed our "Making Connections" state lab by looking for data patterns and proposing other scientific questions.

AP Chem - we applied the Arrhenius equation to specific questions- more examples and solved problems are on Blackboard.
We also did a real-world kinetics problem in which we took the raw kinetics data involving concentration changes over time to deduct the rate law, propose a consistent mechanism, and get other kinetics variables- see full solution in Blackboard notes.

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