Thursday, February 25, 2010


Thurs-Day 2

Bio - I WILL HAVE A (makeup) EXTRA HELP SESSION TOMORROW MORNING (Friday) AT 8:15AM in ROOM 308. You can have your LAST MINUTE questions answered BEFORE the test tomorrow morning. Take advantage of this opportunity.

I can tell you that tomorrow's test involves the DETAILED explanations (HOW AND WHY) that we are used to writing in the class NOTES.
Check Blackboard for the answers to the HW objectives (later today) so that you can review your answers (if you made a copy of your hw).
There are also multiple practice worksheets and quizzes as well as today's info on the lymphatic system that contains a nice diagram.

AP Chem - we got to the heart of the equilibrium unit with respect to quantitative gas/solid equilibrium calculations. We saw how to deal with solids in our "ICE" tables - basically cross out the info given that solid concentrations can't change and solids have no partial gas pressures, and how to use regularly stoichiometry to calculate changes in the mass of solid reactants or products.
We noted that adding or taking away a solid reactant or product does NOTHING to the equilibrium pressures or concentrations of gaseous reactants and products because solids and liquids are NOT in the equilibrium expression at all.
Look at Blackboard for more practice problems and solutions.

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