Friday, February 12, 2010
Fri-Day 2
Bio - we discussed the immune system's responses that are tailored specifically to each different type of pathogen. We focused on B and T lymphocytes, which are activated when a given pathogen gets past the general defenses of the body (skin, mucus, fever, stomach acid, etc.); with the chemical communication from "helper T-cells" B cells are stimulated to produced thousands of complementary-shaped protein antibodies to the antigen proteins on the surface of the pathogen. These antibodies will bind up the pathogens and "mark them for death by phagocytosis or by some other means". Some B cells will be stimulated to divide into into "memory B-cells" that will circulate in the blood so that rapid antibody production against that same pathogen will occur if that same pathogen gets into the body again.
Helper T-cells also stimulate "killer T-cells" to bind to and destroy/lyse any of the body's cells that have been infected with the pathogen.
On Blackboard, check out the answers to the class worksheet and come to extra help on Monday morning , if you have any questions.
On Blackboard, check out the answers to the class worksheet and come to extra help on Monday morning , if you have any questions.
We missed some school days due to the snow so our hw schedule will be pushed back a bit as follows:
FRIDAY, February 26th, is the day of our immunity unit exam so I will collect the objectives hw on Thursday, February 25th; make a copy of your hw answers because I will post my answer key on Thursday afternoon so that you can check your answers and come to extra help on Thursday morning or Thursday afternoon, before the test.
AP Chem- had our unit exam on Kinetics.
The winter break assignment is posted on Blackboard and is due on Monday, February 22nd.
We begin Equilibrium I on Monday, also.