Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Tues-Day 1

Bio 3/6 - we reviewed the three general regions of circulation: pulmonary (to lungs), systemic (to just about anywhere else in the body), and coronary (to the heart).
We discussed blood pressure and the meaning of the systolic (ventricles SQUEEZE) and the diastolic blood pressure numbers as measured by a sphygmomanometer.

We then discussed diseases that cause failure to maintain homeostasis in the circulatory system:
general cardiovascular diseases
hypertension/high blood pressure
coronary thrombosis (complete blockage) of the coronary arteries - leads to heart attack
angina pectoris (partial blockage i.e. narrowing) of the coronary arteries - leads to heart attack

AP Chem - we dissected and applied the equation to get a rate of reaction from the rate of appearance of any product or the rate of disappearance of any reactant, by using the balanced equation.
We then solved for the rate of appearance of any given product GIVEN the rate of disappearance of any reactant or the rate of appearance of any other product.

We briefly introduced the factors that affect the RATE of a given reaction.

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