Monday, January 18, 2010
Fri-Day 1
Bio 3/6 - our unit test on the DIGESTIVE SYSTEM/NUTRITION and the ENDOCRINE SYSTEM/regulation is on this Wednesday. On Blackboard, there are practice quizzes and worksheets with answer keys.
we explained the regulation of (low) blood glucose via the negative feedback mechanism involving the sensor organ/hypothalamus and the pancreas, which secretes the hormone "GLUCAGON".
we explained the regulation of (low) blood glucose via the negative feedback mechanism involving the sensor organ/hypothalamus and the pancreas, which secretes the hormone "GLUCAGON".
Practice writing these feedback mechanisms so that you can explain, IN WRITTEN FORM (as in "on a test"), endocrine regulation of blood glucose, when homeostasis is disturbed (too low or too high blood glucose concentration).
We did a lab activity showing the relationship between endocrine glands, the hormones secreted, the target organs/cells, and their function in maintaining homeostasis.
AP Chem - we continued to work on phase diagrams as we discussed the typical questions about them.
There are plenty of practice tests/worksheets and tutorials on Blackboard to practice for your next test on IMFA's, bonding, solid types, and descriptive chem.