Monday, December 14, 2009


Mon-Day 2

Bio 3/6 - We discussed the various adaptations = advantageous traits! that organisms have for locomotion (and why autotrophs do not have these particular adaptations). We then focused on the human skeleton, the names of the various bones, and the types of joints/junctions that form between bones: hinge (elbow), saddle (wrist), ball-and-socket (shoulder), and gliding (hands and feet).
Tomorrow, you will start a scientific investigation that will encompass most of this unit.

AP Chem - we needed to make a dent in this unit and we did so today:
we covered the formal charge "game" and how it is used to (usually) determine the most significant (to the true structure of the molecule) of a series of resonance structures. We aim to minimize the sum of the absolute values of the formal charges and, if there is a tie, favor the structure that has the more negative formal charge on the more electronegative element/atom.
We then covered "expanded octet" molecules and "odd-electron" molecules.
During our discussion, we continued to PREVIEW the logic of ELECTRONIC geometry and how it determines MOLECULAR geometry.

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