Friday, December 18, 2009
Fri-Day 2
Bio 3/6- On Monday, hand in your unit projects; we will have one or two groups do a presentation (chosen randomly by a dice roll) while the other groups will critique/ask questions of the presenting groups. The groups that do not do a presentation on Monday will present and be critiqued at a later date.
Because our trial time has not been extensive, you should remember that you will present your short-term/preliminary results on Monday. As we continue the experiment/trial, we will have more conclusive/developed results that we can present or UPDATE later this year as you hone your scientific method skills.
Check Blackboard for practice worksheets to help you further prepare for Tuesday's test.
AP Chem- we ultimately finished the rest of the electronic and molecular geometries on our chart. We walked through the difficult "5 electron domain" molecules and ions, showing the TWO different bond angles that arise.
Go to Blackboard to view the animations and do the practice worksheets/tests that are posted.