Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Tues-Day 1

Bio 3/6- we got into the heart of this unit on transcription and translation by starting with a "gene" on a chromosome in the nucleus; the sequence of bases that make up the gene were transcribed to make an mRNA molecule with the same coded information. We then transported the messenger RNA to the ribosome where each mRNA codon (a "triplet" of three bases) attracted a complementary tRNA "anticodon" that brings along a specific amino acid to be bonded to part of a protein chain of amino acids.
We saw that we could use an mRNA codon chart to see which particular amino acid is coded for/called for at the ribosome by each codon of an mRNA molecule. Using our known rules of complementary base pairing between RNA and DNA, we were able to assemble a DNA "codon" chart. We could also assemble a tRNA codon chart. Any of those three charts/ciphers/keys could be used to predict the sequence of amino acids that make up a given protein based on the DNA "gene", its mRNA transcript, or even the sequence of tRNA anticodons that are attracted to the mRNA on the ribosome.
We then showed that the protein formed (usually an enzyme or some structural protein) gives the cell one of its characteristics/traits or gives the organism itself a particular trait/characteristic.

AP Chem- Your grades are now linked via Blackboard, though the summer assignment grade has not yet been posted. Your username is your last name and your password is the first letter (lowercase; not capitalized) of your last name followed by your student ID number (no spaces).
For a couple of students, one or two grades might be missing. If that is the case for you, email me and bring in the tests/lab/hw that is missing, thank you.
The one and only quarterly bonus multiple choice exam will be given Monday after school in Room 308.

We began our Quantum Atom unit with a discussion of electromagnetic radiation and the characteristics of waves.
Go to Blackboard and view the tutorials posted as well as the study guide.
I also posted the objectives that will be tested on the "bonus" exam.

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