Monday, November 2, 2009


Mon-Day 2

Bio 3/6- we reviewed the types of vegetative propagation (asexual reproduction for plants) with specific examples. I will post (on Blackboard) the answer keys from today's Cell Cycle and DNA Replication handouts.

AP Chem- just posted two Thermochem practice exams with detailed answer keys. You already have a copy of the questions from one of these two practice tests but now you can check your answers with my key. I'll also post other relevant practice files.
Today, we reviewed the Hess Law problem from Friday, emphasizing the importance of ESTIMATING your answer BEFORE you do all of the calculator key punching. Do NOT shortcut this process; many have done so and paid the penalty for such laziness and hubris.

We then did a, from scratch, combined calorimetry and Hess Law problem. This problem showed that the enthalpy data does not pop out of nowhere; the data comes from real experimental measurements via calorimetry.
We still have some objectives to cover but you should make a big dent in your preparation for Monday's exam.

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