Friday, October 23, 2009


Fri-Day 2

Bio 3/6 - we started our new unit on DNA, the Cell Cycle, and Asexual Reproduction with a look at the life cycle of cells. Cells spend most of their time growing, carrying out the various life functions, and then, as they are getting to big to sustain a sufficient rate of metabolic reactions, synthesize/duplicate their genetic material/DNA to prepare to divide. Once the cell divides into two identical, yet smaller cells, the new life cycle of each of the two cells begins.
We discussed the two reasons that cells must divide or die.
We then began our discussion on DNA replication. We reviewed the structure of DNA: TWO strands of chains of nucleotides that are COMPLEMENTARY to each other and are held together by weak hydrogen "bonds" (which are NOT bonds, can you believe that!? Wait until I am in power...), which I will call "attractions".

AP Chem- we continued our discussion of state functions; we then showed how gases can do work by exerting force against container walls i.e. pressure-volume work. We converted L-atm work units to Joules and emphasized the SIGNS that a gas doing work is LOSING internal energy so the sign of work will be NEGATIVE (Joules), whereas work being done ON a gas via COMPRESSION is the same as giving energy TO the gas, thus increasing its internal energy so the sign will be POSITIVE.
We then started our redox titration lab by calculating the proper quantities needed to make a liter of approximately .100 M sodium thiosulfate.

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