Saturday, October 10, 2009


Fri-Day 1

Bio 3/6- we discussed the tenets of Cell Theory and their exceptions. We then discussed the two main types of cells: prokaryotic (NO nucleus) and eukaryotic (eu=true); we discussed several differences between these cell types.
We then took a tour of the structure and function of several organelles common to eukaryotic cells: the nucleus, the rough and smooth ER, the mitochondria, the Golgi apparatus/bodies, lysosomes, and vacuoles.
We did some test review showing that, to give a sufficient answer to any question (especially an explanation question), you must use/address the SPECIFIC key terms in the question and you must show how and why these terms relate to what is asked for.
Graphing skills were generally very good and improving. Identifying key terms and drawing out what is asked for could still be improved in order to keep you focused on what suffices for a correct answer.

AP Chem- we continued the gas laws solving for the molar mass of a substance given its temperature, pressure, volume, and mass (while it is in the gas phase).
We then discussed two versions of Dalton's Law that show pressure and mole relationships in a mixture of gases.
See Blackboard for more practice with this.

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