Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Wednes-Day 2

Bio 3/6- The unit hw is posted on Blackboard (handed out in 6th period, will be handed out in 3rd period also) and is due on Friday, October 2nd because our next unit exam is on Tuesday, October 6th.
We discussed the various types of carbohydrates and showed how complex sugars could be made by chaining together simple sugars via enzyme assisted "dehydration synthesis"; water is formed from the H of one simple sugar and an OH of a second simple sugar causing two of the atoms from the two simple sugar rings to bond thus creating one larger, two-ring sugar (e.g. maltose or sucrose). We then saw the opposite process, "hydrolysis", which uses H2O to break apart the complex sugar as the H bonds to an O from one sugar ring and the OH bonds to the C from a second sugar ring. Hydro means "uses water", lysis means "to break apart".

We then discussed the structure of fats/lipids/triglycerides. These molecules usually contain three long hydrocarbon chain "tails" and are formed from the dehydration synthesis of ONE glycerol molecule and THREE fatty acid molecules, so the "building blocks" of fats are glycerol and fatty acids.
I will post a Blackboard link to an animation of dehyration synthesis and hydrolysis.

AP Chem- we took our unit exam on Stoichiometry. Anyone who misses any of these important test days is reminded to schedule, as soon as possible, a (different) makeup test AFTER school.

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