Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Wednes-Day 2

Bio 3/6 - we wrapped our discussion of the life processes focus on some general characteristics of all organisms. We then began a discussion about scientific thinking, the types of problems that can be addressed by science, and the methods that are used to support or to disprove a claim.
Tomorrow, we will do a couple of examples of the scientific method involving proper experimental design.

AP Chem- we discussed the neutralization of bases by the weak acid, ethanoic acid. We wrote out the formula and net ionic equations for this reaction.
We then drew out and discussed the cause for each of the solubility rules, showing that Coulomb's Law dictates the relationship between ionic bond strength and the solubility of the salt. Ions that are small and highly charged form strong ionic bonds (high charge and small distance between ions) so that even multiple ion-dipole attractions to water molecules are insufficient to break the ionic bonds among the ions in the lattice; thus salts of those ions tend to be insoluble.
Ions that are large and have a low charge form weaker ionic bonds (low charge and larger distance between ions) so that sufficient multiple ion-dipole attractions to water molecules are will outweigh the ionic bonds among the ions in the lattice causing multiple water molecules to dissolve/break away each ion from the lattice; thus salts of those ions tend to be soluble.

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