Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Wednes-Day 1

Bio 3/6- we discussed how to properly make various measurements and the standard way to record these measurements. Remember, you must always GUESS to one more decimal place than is physically etched/marked on your measuring device. This way, any scientist can judge the precision of the instrument that you used.
We discussed the difference between accuracy (truth) and precision (detail)...NOW you know!

We then learned how to properly stain a microscope slide specimen so that the cells/organelles show up distinctly.

We finished our microscope lab, adding a section in which we practiced staining our own human epithelial cells (inside of the cheek cells).

Our test is on Friday. Extra help is tomorrow morning. Check Blackboard for the latest extra help files. I will try to post a video tutorial before the test.

AP Chem- we reviewed some of the sections of the unit 1 exam and then started one of the key stoichiometry problems: percent composition to empirical formula.

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