Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Tues-Day 1

Bio 3/6 - we discussed the major errors that people make when graphing data: inconsistent increments, mislabeled or misplaced axes, and incomplete use of the graph grid.
We then practiced a step-by-step method for properly graphing any data:
1. We identified the independent and dependent variables by reading the information and see which variable depended upon the other.
2. We got the "range" of data by subtracting the low value from the high value.
3. We determined the increments value (per box) by dividing the range by the number of boxes and rounding the answer to a convenient number.

Note that both axes need their own independent starting values/numbers and that you NEVER have to start at zero unless the data does so. There is never a need for a squiggly line if you follow the method that we used today.

AP Chem- okay, our Blackboard class webpage was dysfunctional for a while today but it seems to be working okay now.
we discussed the definition of "atomic mass" and did a sample calculation using the two natural isotopes of chlorine.
We discussed and applied the "AP Magic Triangle" in order to quickly inter-convert from moles to grams, particles, or (for ideally behaving gases) liters.
We did a few percent composition problems including the percentage of water in a hydrated salt.

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