Thursday, June 18, 2009


Bio Regents Day!

Congratulations to you for working so hard on the Bio Regents today: demonstrating care, applying test skills, giving examples, using illustrations and drawings in your answers. All of these factors guarantee a better score than you otherwise would have achieved. Continue to use these techniques on your future exams in your other subjects.
For those who came to the "last minute" Bio session this morning, ONCE AGAIN, some of the questions that we just did in review appeared EXACTLY or almost exactly as we covered them on the exam. I feel clairvoyant- but its really just due to "handicapping" the Regents.
Some of the questions (3 or 4) had "annoying"/less than typical or logical answers but the rest of the test was straightforward and "do-able".
I will truly miss this year's classes; we had many goodtimes and learned some of the most important explanations of Life/Biology throughout the year. Take that information to better yourself and to inform the uninformed whom you encounter.
Of course, if you get stuck on a chem problem next year, I'll help you, no worries.
Have a great summer and revel in your free time!
Mr. C.

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