Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Wednes-Day 2

AP Chem- you are taking the AP Chem exam in 6 days. You can improve your score significantly over this time period if you
1. take the AP exams that are assigned and any extra, if you have time.
2. find out the FULL and GENERAL explanation to anything that you did not QUICKLY know how to answer (at extra help or from a knowledgeable classmate).

With each day passing, there is still time for improvement but to a diminishing degree.

We spent ALL of our time on the part II from Tuesday. I'll post a new exam for preview for tomorrow's double period. If you do not have an AP exam tomorrow, any responsible student will AT LEAST be in her/his AP Chem class for our penultimate double period. We will be covering precious LAB-based questions WITH demos.

Bio 6- took the Evolution unit exam

Bio 7/8- took the Evolution unit exam and completed the state lab on natural selection of the beaks of finches via food source-selecting agent.

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