Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Wednes-Day 1
AP Chem- will discuss the course experience relative to the AP exam experience with respect to topic emphasis.
Bio 6/7- reviewed/explained energy and biomass pyramids. We then saw and discussed the Carbon, Nitrogen, and water cycles and related them to their necessity to a self-sustaining, stable ecosystem.
We almost finished the finch lab analysis.
Bio 8- reviewed/explained energy and biomass pyramids. We then saw and discussed the Carbon, Nitrogen, and water cycles and related them to their necessity to a self-sustaining, stable ecosystem.
Bio 6/7- reviewed/explained energy and biomass pyramids. We then saw and discussed the Carbon, Nitrogen, and water cycles and related them to their necessity to a self-sustaining, stable ecosystem.
We almost finished the finch lab analysis.
Bio 8- reviewed/explained energy and biomass pyramids. We then saw and discussed the Carbon, Nitrogen, and water cycles and related them to their necessity to a self-sustaining, stable ecosystem.