Friday, May 15, 2009


Fri-Day 1

AP Chem- we looked over the "west coast" version of the AP Chem exam and discussed some of the upcoming lab work for the rest of the course. Bring in some cool glass bottles for Wednesday.

MONDAY AND TUESDAY are the test days for the final exam for this quarter.

Bio 6/7- we discussed some of the human impacts on the ecosystems of the Earth, stemming from the tremendous growth in the human population that leads to greater use and abuse of both abiotic and biotic resources. This weekend, I will post some Ecology review sheets with answer keys.
We finished up the finch and moth labs and began a deer population carrying capacity lab.

Bio 8- we discussed some of the human impacts on the ecosystems of the Earth, stemming from the tremendous growth in the human population that leads to greater use and abuse of both abiotic and biotic resources. This weekend, I will post some Ecology review sheets with answer keys.

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