Friday, May 22, 2009


Fri-Day 2

AP Chem- finished the silver redox application and got more feedback on the remaining units of the course.

Bio 6- reviewed some of the infamous "invasive species" cases: purple loosestrife, brown tree snakes, and zebra mussels and then we looked at practice test questions, practicing test-taking skills of underlining keywords and PREDICTING answers before looking at the answer choices.
The remaining practice quizzes, complete with answer keys, are on Blackboard.
I WILL have extra help on Tuesday morning from 8:15 AM till 9AM; take advantage of that before your test later that day.

Bio 7/8- reviewed some of the infamous "invasive species" cases: purple loosestrife, brown tree snakes, and zebra mussels and then we looked at practice test questions, practicing test-taking skills of underlining keywords and PREDICTING answers before looking at the answer choices.
The remaining practice quizzes, complete with answer keys, are on Blackboard.
I WILL have extra help on Tuesday morning from 8:15 AM till 9AM; take advantage of that before your test later that day.
We did the first part of the state lab on Biodiversity in which we examine several species of plants in order to determine their evolutionary relationship. We use the various fields of evolutionary biology: comparative anatomy, cytology, embrology, and biochemistry, to gather evidence that suggests closer or more distant evolutionary relationships.

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