Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Wednes-Day 1

AP Chem- Note the NEW sub-section (AP Reference Tables and AP Exam HELP Files) in the Blackboard "Course Documents" section containing inside information and very useful files to assist in your preparation for the AP Chem exam.

Took our final unit exam for the year today! We still will have a nuclear take-home and, of course, an in-class final exam (three-periods, two days) a few days after the 2009 AP Chem exam.

Congratulations all on your accomplishments so far and continued success!
More test review tomorrow: a part II (preview before class so that we can get through the harder questions); then well do Nuclear in one day on Friday along with another part II.

Bio 6/7- discussed the power of Evolutionary Theory in helping you see life/organisms in a new light of understanding. Any organism can be looked at through the prism of evolution in terms of its unique adaptations that were SELECTED FOR by its natural environment over millions of years.

We also discussed two weaknesses of Darwin's Theory of Evolution via natural selection; these weaknesses had to do with Darwin's lack of knowledge due to insufficient knowledge of genetics, DNA, and mutations.
Today we further discussed the modern Theory of Evolution; we saw how evolution in species can be measured/defined as a change in the percentage/frequency of the various alleles in the GENE POOL of a species population. The change in allele frequency is caused by natural selection by the environment for those members of a population whose alleles give them a phenotype that is advantageous to their survival and reproduction in their environment. Thus, the surviving/reproducing members will pass on these advantageous alleles to their offspring, which will have a higher percentage of those alleles in the population.
We then did a lab simulating natural selection that caused the evolution of the peppered moth population.

Bio 8- discussed the power of Evolutionary Theory in helping you see life/organisms in a new light of understanding. Any organism can be looked at through the prism of evolution in terms of its unique adaptations that were SELECTED FOR by its natural environment over millions of years.

We also discussed two weaknesses of Darwin's Theory of Evolution via natural selection; these weaknesses had to do with Darwin's lack of knowledge due to insufficient knowledge of genetics, DNA, and mutations.
Today we further discussed the modern Theory of Evolution; we saw how evolution in species can be measured/defined as a change in the percentage/frequency of the various alleles in the GENE POOL of a species population. The change in allele frequency is caused by natural selection by the environment for those members of a population whose alleles give them a phenotype that is advantageous to their survival and reproduction in their environment. Thus, the surviving/reproducing members will pass on these advantageous alleles to their offspring, which will have a higher percentage of those alleles in the population.

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