Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Mon-Day 2

AP Chem- we discussed the assembly of a Voltaic cell and the mechanism by which it operates. We discussed the meaning of electrode potentials, half-cells, and the conversion of chemical potential energy to electrical energy with minimal loss of waste heat/ energy that cannot be used for work.
Bio - we began our Evolution Unit by defining evolution- the FACT, and Evolution- the modern theory that explains how and why the diversity of organisms that exist today came about.
Sadly, Evolutionary Theory is not presented accurately in the media and is often horrifyingly misunderstood. Already, we have cleared up some misconceptions about the fact of evolution and the Theory of Evolution.
We looked at the various general fields of science that provide evidence that SUPPORTS the Modern Synthetic Theory of Evolution: Geology, Cytology (the study of cells of various organisms), Anatomy, Embryology, and MOST importantly, Biochemistry (comparing DNA, RNA, proteins, sugars, and fats).
Starting with Geology, we saw how consecutive layers of sedimentary rock give you a relative time scale of when the fossils were created. Older fossils/older species are found in the older rock layers (near the bottom of the layers) and newer fossils/species are found in the upper layers. To estimate the absolute age of a fossil (more detailed than the relative age), geologists determine the radioactivity of the rocks in the layers, which reveals the ages of the rocks.

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