Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Tues-Day 2

AP Chem- covered your questions on Part I of an actual AP Chem exam. We stressed the importance of MARKING UP the test booklet so that you can SEE your reasoning and more quickly deduce an answer (instead of keeping a myriad of data and reasoning just in your head). We also noted the importance of estimation in deducing an answer without a calculator.
The remaining questions are due for hw on Thursday.
I will also post a Part II for you to preview for Thursday's review class.

Bio 6- We discussed the observations of Charles Darwin that led him to his proposed Theory of Evolution via Natural Selection. We went through his proposed mechanism of speciation of the various finches from the mainland of South America to the various islands of the Galapagos.

Bio 7/8- We discussed the observations of Charles Darwin that led him to his proposed Theory of Evolution via Natural Selection. We went through his proposed mechanism of speciation of the various finches from the mainland of South America to the various islands of the Galapagos.
We did a peppered moth evolution simulation based on the adaptive value of moth color as compared to its environmental background.

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