Thursday, April 30, 2009


Thurs-Day 2

AP Chem- worked on a Part II section. We started with a weak acid ionization question: given percent ionization, we could determine the concentration of each species and thus, the pH.
Then, a buffer was made and the new pH was determined.
Then, the relatively rare question that tried to test whether you saw that adding a strong acid to a weak acid DECREASES the percent ionization of the weak acid. We got a bit stuck with the SRFC table because there was nothing to react so we (for the first time ever) tried to get some reaction from the equilibrium concentration of the lactate with the H+. It didn't matter since we could have gone straight to the ICE table starting with NO ionization of the acid (as usual).
We also did a titration question and a gas law question.
Tomorrow, we will start and finish NUCLEAR as well as do Part I AND Part II questions that you can preview tonight. The Part I and Part II HW will be due on Monday.

Bio 6- discussed the two alternate hypotheses on the RATE of evolution: Gradualism and Punctuated Equilibrium. We noted the strengths and weaknesses of each hypothesis and discussed potential evidence that could strengthen or weaken each hypothesis.

Bio 7/8- we reviewed aspects of the Modern Synthetic Theory of Evolution and then discussed the two alternate hypotheses on the RATE of evolution: Gradualism and Punctuated Equilibrium. We noted the strengths and weaknesses of each hypothesis and discussed potential evidence that could strengthen or weaken each hypothesis.
We finished the natural selection simulation and began a "dichotomous key" classification activity.

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