Thursday, April 23, 2009


Thurs-Day 1

AP Chem- did examples using standard electrode potentials to determine the spontaneity of a given redox reaction and the K and/or delta G of that reaction under standard conditions.
We then examined the logic of the Nernst Equation for determining the cell potential/voltage under ANY conditions of concentration and/or pressure.
We saw that, relative to standard conditions, when there are greater STARTING concentrations of reactants, a Le Chatelier shift towards the products yields a HIGHER Ecell relative to Ecell-standard. Also, relative to standard conditions, when there are greater STARTING concentrations of products, a Le Chatelier shift towards the reactants yields a LOWER Ecell relative to Ecell-standard.
Ecell values can be predicted QUANTITATIVELY via the Nernst equation and QUALITATIVELY via Le Chatelier's Principle.

Bi0 6/7- we began a series of explanations of evolution within particular species of giraffes, mosquitoes, bacteria, moths, and finches.
These explanations are examples of the Modern Synthetic (Darwin's successfully tested tenets mixed with the Laws and Theories of Genetics and Reproduction) Theory of Evolution applied to specific cases/species.
Practice drawing out/reasoning these mechanisms and you will be able to correctly explain the evolution of ANY species.
We then started a lab on comparative biochemistry.

Bio 8- we began a series of explanations of evolution within particular species of giraffes, mosquitoes, bacteria, moths, and finches.
These explanations are examples of the Modern Synthetic (Darwin's successfully tested tenets mixed with the Laws and Theories of Genetics and Reproduction) Theory of Evolution applied to specific cases/species.
Practice drawing out/reasoning these mechanisms and you will be able to correctly explain the evolution of ANY species.

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