Thursday, March 12, 2009


Thurs-Day 2

AP Chem- determined the effect on conjugate concentrations and on pH when a given quantity of strong acid or strong base is mixed with a buffer solution.
We also learned how to choose a suitable pair of conjugates, given their Ka and Kb values, to make a buffer of a particular pH: we had to choose a pair of conjugates that can be combined in a molarity ratio WITHIN the 1:10 or 10:1 buffer range such that the H-H equation yields the desired pH.

Bio 6- discussed the structure and function of the various parts of the female reproductive system. We then described the sequence of events and changes that occur during fertilization and implantation (pregnancy). We discussed the structure and function of the placenta and umbilical cord, both of which stem from the developing embryo embedded in the uterine wall;
thus, the developing fetus can obtain nutrients from the mother and get rid of wastes to the mother without the mixing of the blood cells between the mother and fetus.

Bio 7/8- discussed the structure and function of the various parts of the female reproductive system. We then described the sequence of events and changes that occur during fertilization and implantation (pregnancy). We discussed the structure and function of the placenta and umbilical cord, both of which stem from the developing embryo embedded in the uterine wall;
thus, the developing fetus can obtain nutrients from the mother and get rid of wastes to the mother without the mixing of the blood cells between the mother and fetus.

We did a lab activity in which we sequenced the various changes in the uterus during the menstrual cycle when the egg is fertilized and when the egg is not fertilized.

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