Saturday, October 4, 2008


Worst Podcast Ever...

...kidding, I hope. I'm new to podcasting/vodcasting but I hope that you appreciate the effort.
My first vodcast/tutorial for AP Chem is up on Blackboard; the video sounds like a recording from inside a car engine but I think that this lesson/example on determining quantum numbers for a given principal energy level will be helpful (more than reading a text, anyway).
When you click on the link, the video will load in your browser BUT then you must click on the "play/forward arrow icon" for the video to start. If the video is too small, there is a "full screen" feature at the bottom right corner of the video. You may want to decrease the volume a bit to cut down on the recorded "white noise" (sorry about that). You can also directly download the file to your computer and open the video with any Flash-video playing software.

I'm sure that the quality will increase exponentially as I learn how to produce more stylish flash-files. For now, just focus on the content and the message, which is to improve your AP Chem abilities.

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