Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Wednes-Day 1

AP Chem- today you all got a true taste of the college experience although college science exams often last up to three hours! Still, to write detailed explanations for 80 minutes is great experience and will strengthen you as students.
Fortunately (for your writer's-cramped hands), only the bonding and intermolecular attractions unit (which both stem from this unit) approaches the level and number of explanations that you just learned in this unit.
On Friday, we have a single period but we will cover a lot of ground. We will complete all of the problem types in CHAPTER 3 of the text within the next two or three classes. So, read chapter 3, which is MOSTLY review material involving balancing equations, stoichiometry, and moles; these are all topics that you should already have considerable familiarity and facility with.

Bio 6/7- we compared and contrasted plant and animal cells; then we began a lab in which we will see, with the aid of microscopes, some of those differences.

Bio 8- we reviewed our last test and went over some test-taking skills. Then, we compared and contrasted plant and animal cells.

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